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Snowflake Obsidian sends energy down through the root chakra and out the Earth Star chakra beneath your feet releasing negative energy into the ground while drawing in positive grounding energy into the body from the Earth making it a powerful grounding stone. The root chakra is associated with stability, security, and self love helping one get in tune with their inner power. It is the root to balance the body's energies with the physical and spiritual realm. The cleansing power purifies and clears all of the chakras removing all blockages. 


The Earth Star chakra is located between and below the feet, this is our connection to Earth. This chakra keeps us grounded to the center of the Earth while balancing our energies allowing free flow throughout the body. The combination of these two chakras help the mind and body feel positive, safe, and connected. It enhances overall will power, and perseverance. 


Snowflake Obsidian It is able to vibrate at all color frequencies stimulating all 7 chakras simultaneously while keeping them all in alignment. It balances the Yin-Yang energies in the body bringing on a feeling of confidence, and positivity with a clearer outlook on reality.


Please note: Crystals vary in size and color and may not match depictions.

Tumbled Snowflake Obsidian

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